Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Union College Relief Printing Demonstration for Sandy Wimer's Class, 2/11/12 continued...

The Dickerson Combination Press, of local manufacture I think, first one I've seen, and I enjoyed using it!

The students made a key block and I demonstrated various methods of incorporating color with it.

Colors for the demo...

That is how a relief slab should look.

Student working on the second chiarascuro block after a successful transfer from the key block.

Working away on a snowy saturday morning, what could be better?

Proof of one of the key blocks.

Sandy, in blue shirt and apron, who so graciously invited me to her class.

Hot plate: speed drying the color water based ink for toning the chiarascuro block.

My-er masterpieces, key (black block) with a two part chipboard plate for color flats.

Flat color printed via illustration board with a textured piece of plywood for the key.

Key block with chiarascuro.

Comically large STOP control for electric Dickerson press.

Nice tall windows with view of the Nott Memorial.

Safety first: solvent area.

Well organized, incredibly functional shop with a very small footprint, a testament to Sandy's skill.
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San Francisco, CA, United States
I am an artist and teacher in San Francisco, CA.